Wednesday 1 February 2012

Steampunk and Space

For ages I've been wanting to draw some proper, honest-to-goodness steampunk characters, but haven't gotten around to it. I think maybe because I'm worried I won't be able to, but I adore steampunk and it will really upset me if I'm not good at drawing it.

But, what with the upcoming Steampunk Ball I'm off to this weekend, spending a fair amount of time explaining steampunk to people, flicking through my 1,000 Steampunk Creations book (thanks Izzy!) I've felt compelled to.
Also, having my head abuzz with ideas for what to do with the cariacature lockets I've just started offering for sale, and the fact that being in the new house has made me feel more inclined to creativity, I've started a new Steampunk themed piece.
It's quite narrative - there's a clear event being depicted in it, which I've realised I rarely do - the exception being my "I Thought I Already Killed You" piece, and to a lesser degree, my "Not While I Still Draw Breath" piece.

For the new piece, I've picked a slightly awkward angle (for me at least - I rarely draw people from this angle) and a lot of the finer details I don't have clear in my head - but I've got colours and emotions, and overall mood I want to convey in my head so I'm hoping the details materialise from these.

Tonight I have pencilled in the main figures, sorted out the larger aspects of composition, and left it at that.
I will be updating my prgress here.

Click HERE to see how it looks currently.

The good thing about having a near enough dedicated drawing space is that I don't feel such a need to get as much done in one session as I can now leave, knowing that when I come back, I don't have to go through the rigmarole of clearing a space and setting up again. I think this is going to aid my productivity no end. Rather than feeling I've got to have a clear few hours to make it worth drawing, I can do just a little in an idle half hour.


Curt -xXx-

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