Wednesday 17 September 2014


My first ever Stop-Motion film!

I've been wanting to do this for ages so I've been checking out guides and stuff online, and a book I have, and so on. Click here for a Pinterest board of some of them!

Today, I discovered there's a phone app to compose a series of photos into a basic film. My housemate did actually tell me about this app ages ago, but in my usual way I filed it somewhere until I was ready to discover it myself like some intrepid explorer uprooting all the signposts and flags pointing me at something, until I get there and stick my own flag in.

Having found this app, did I wait until I was home and could take my time over it? Did I script it? Did I plan it? Did I wait until I could control the lighting and environment? Did I wait until I had proper props and things to support my phone camera and puppet? Did I wait until I even had the tools or know-how to make a proper puppet?
Did I hell!
I did it excitedly with Blu-Tac at my desk at work in the 20 minutes I had left of my lunch break with my phone proped up on a weighted sellotape dispenser and getting odd looks from my colleagues as I made numerous squelchy noises and thumped the desk repeatedly until I had the right sounds for the audio track!

The very end, from where my fist comes in, was all animated in about a 2 minutes because that was literally all I had left of my lunch-break! 

(I knew all that time spent making Blu-Tac models in French lessons at school would come in handy for something, no matter how many of the Mr. Mason confiscated and squished!)

Seriously, though; I do plan on creating some proper articulated puppets, sculpting and/or moulding bodies for them, painting them and doing this properly soon.

Watch this space!


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