Monday 19 March 2012

Monday Night... not Blue!

Today, I woke up feeling very content indeed.

I awoke at my parents', early for me at 8am. I decided not to roll over and sleep until the hour of the day had at least two digits, but rather to sit in bed read some more of One Day which I am loving. I just read for an hour and a half and was happy. I was glad to find I could remember the ideas I had for my own writing project last night as I walked here and may combine with a drawing project. I've had lots of vague ideas swirling round my head, all interconnected. Last night a flash hit me of how I might connect them all in a coherent and interesting way.
Then I got up, had breakfast with dad, did a bit of paperwork etc, then did a spot of drawing then chatted to dad some more, largely about music which led to me buying 8 Mile for him as I think he'd like it and know he'll never watch it if it's not physically in the house. He wouldn't order it off Film Flex or anything.

I chatted to dad about work and helped him swot up on a test he has to do for work on Thursday. I realised I've started thinking in a much more business-like way than I did a couple of years ago. Last week was very busy what with long days at Mad Science doing schools followed by 3 days with them at the NEC, the last of which was followed by a cracking late shift at Subside, but all of which were done with a developing cold that involved body aches, hot and cold spells, and losing my voice.

I still have the last traces of that cold so it was nice to be relaxed and somewhere as safe-feeling as my parents' today.
After dad went to work, I drew a little bit more until mum got home and she gave me a lift to pick up my DVDs that I'd mistakenly ordered to an old address of mine.
Then we watched some Big Bang Theory and Star Trek TNG together, and now I have come back and done a bit more drawing. All interspersed with chatting to lovely people on my phone all day and listening to new music. It's just been pleasant and I've felt oddly productive for a slow day. I wanted to spend some time with the folks and I have. I wanted to draw and I have. I wanted to sort out the paperwork I needed to sort and I have. I wanted to have some ideas about where to start this writing project and I have. I wanted to get my DVDs and I have. I wanted to read and I have. I wanted to check out some musicians I haven't listened to before and I have. (Gotye and The Word Alive)
All easily attainable goals but I haven't been too lazy to acheive any of them which I often do on lazy days.

The pic hasn't progressed much but here is how it's looking now:
Click for bigness...

I feel content and able to take on the world.
Tomorrow, I have to drop some paperwork off at Selly Oak Hospital before 12:30 (which will involve going home to get it first! I'm hoping dad might give me a lift. I rarely ask him for a lift actually.) and then I will hopefully be buying a car if I can find one I can afford that doesn't look knackered and hasn't already sold by the time I ring about it tomorrow.

I feel the most optimistic about life that I have in months. It's nice! I feel maybe like I'm actually starting to grow up and take control of my life rather than letting it lead me around and just holding on tight and enjoying the ride. I have a better idea of where from and when my money comes in and I've whittled down frivolous spending a lot and have a better handle on where from and when my money goes out.
I'm now quite tired and looking forward to going to bed, reading for 15 mins or so, then going to sleep before 1am.

I'm starting to feel like a adult for the first time in my life.
And I rather like it!

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