Friday 11 March 2005

Fiming and Things

So yeah.

Lots to report so if you're interested, click
We filmed yesterday which was more fun than I thought it would be. I didn't really like the script - It's wacky and off the wall and a bit annoying I thought. The main charcter's a giant talking CONDOM for crying out loud! But I think it's going to work better as a film than as a piece of reading. It was really fun to shoot and left me wishing we were filming over more than one day. But we can't have everything, eh? Pre-production was a bit of a hassle - we had to find locations and get all the appropriate paperwork signed and so on and we were let down by our main locationscout but we got there in the end!

Also, I know this is really geeky of me, but I am a big geek - I think I manage to hide it pretty well most of the time though. The other day, I watched a new animated Spider-Man cartoon and just out of interest searched for it on I found it and there was a huge argument going on about it in one of the forums! It caught my eye though and got me quite interested. You see, anyone who has seen the Daredevil film will know that Kingpin was black in it. What maybe not so many people know is that the Kingpin is actually one of Spidey's villains and has been since the 60s. However, in Spidey, he has always been white. But for some reason, he was made black in the film. Well, the upshot is, since this Spidey cartoon was trying to follow on from the film continuity of the Spidey films, it seems to have tried to stay true to the Daredevil movie too and Kingpin is again black. This has caused an uproar on imdb. Check out to follow the thread. I posted a coupla times near the end. Anyone who reads this, have a look at the thread and lemme know what you think. I know it's only a cartoon, but at the heart, I think to change a character's colour is to say it's an insignificant detail. Being mixed-race myself, I really think it is important. Although I don't think people should be treated unfairly because of their colour, I think it DOES have a very real effect in your social interactions - your friendship groups can be altered by it because on a basicand simplified level, people tend to like to hang round those similar to themselves. Tend to. Not always do. Also, people WILL react to you differently based on what you look like. Not necessarily worse or better, but they will react differently. Anyway lemme know what you think.

This year, I have spent too much money on gigs - Machine Head, REM, Slipknot & Slayer, Green Day, Rammstein, Nine Inch Nails.

I finish uni at the end of May! Scary thought! We have to sort out all our Showcase pieces VERY soon! I need to knuckle down! After uni, my plan is to move back home, or with Jess and Olly, work, at the hospital but also audition for acting jobs I may get, and then, when we both have money, go travelling with Si round Asia. I've wanted to travel for so long - Emma and Wei are ALWAYS travelling and I'm so envious! I wanna! They're in South America now. Si's been round Europe last summer, and is going to meet Em and Wei in a month or so cuz he's finished uni already! I can't wait til I finish so I can save the money and have the time to travel too!
I have an audition on Wednesday. I got a call from Spotlight - THE actors directory - saying I should get in touch with Impact on Learning. They seem to be a Theatre in education company that take comissions from schools or business to do devise drama pieces and or workshops. When I said I was still at uni they gave me the choice to audition now or when I finish. I chose now. Only bad thing is I gotta get the train at 6:20am!!! Shock tarts! It's in Honley. Near Sheffield I think. Should be fun - it's a workshop audition so I don't have to prepare anything. I'm looking forward to it!

My latest obsession is Neon Genesis Evangelion - look it up in Wikipedia... is a pretty good overview. It's an anime about kids called on to fight weird creatures called Angels attacking earth after a catastrophic experiment was carried out on an Angel discovered at the North Pole and caused an apocalyptic event. It's starts quite simply and I was starting to get bored with the "Angel attacks-Kids fight Angel-Angel kicks crap outta kids-Kids destroy Angel-Kids dwell on the fight" sort of routine, but it then goes into depression, mental illness, the meaning of life, death, the existence of God, the existence of souls, morality, violence, revenge, ego, corruption, bent corporations, and other cheery subjects and gets very dark. The last two episodes are weird and have been redone a lot of times. The last time they were done as movies and they're amazing but such a head-fuck! I love it though.

What else - Oh yeah - going to Oxford to see Stephanie and go to Baraka again tomorrow. Baraka is a really spaced-out Neo-Hippie kinda club. the music is PsyTrance which I thought I'd hate but when you get into it and just let it take over you, it's amazing! Really appeals to something primal. It's a lovely atmosphere - everyone is really chilled out!

I went to see Jenny's play on Wednesday - The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui by Brecht. It's a metaphor for Hitler, with Ui rising to the head of the crooked 1940s gangster underbelly of America's cauliflower trade. It was really good and Jenny was amazing. She's so talented. I love her. And loads of my friends who'd not seen her act before told me she was amazing too! She really is. I didn't like seeing her get gunned down on stage though. It was horrible. The guy playing Ui, Richard Bridge, was also amazing - no-one ever see's him round school when there isn't a lesson. He's a complete lone-horse apparently. But had a really amazing physicality that he maintained and developed really well.

Finally - As suggested by [info]the_claw_kitten...

Step 1: Put your media player on random.
Step 2: Pick your favorite lines from the first 30 songs that play.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from.
Step 4: Cross out the songs when someone guesses correctly

Not that anyone will read this...

1.) You're here with me, it's like a dream, let the choir sing (trick one this - the one I listened to was an obscure cover but guess the original) The one I listened to was KMFDM but Ajay guessed the original Madonna
2.) Well, we made a stop in albequerque, She musta thought, I was a real cool jerk
3.) And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night Tis Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
4.) Hear me now. Words I vow. No fucking regrets!
5.) We got a thousand points of light For the homeless man (Another cover - not so obscure - guess either)
6.) Theyre gonna bleep it anyway. S'il vous plait. Fuckin' A (Just Push Play - Aerosmith)
7.) You're gonna wake up one day dead inside Cause you're alone, not in my life
8.) A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys painted wings and giant's rings make way for other toys.(This one's a doozy - guess WHO I listened to for the cookie!)
9.) My god sits in the back of the limousine. My god comes in a wrapper of cellophane. My god pouts on the cover of the magazine. My god's a shallow little bitch trying to make the scene Starfuckers - Nine Inch Nails
10.) Teachers Keep on teachin'
11.) One tooth goes under her skin, another comes out again
12.) You do it to me sweetly, to me yeah yeah !!
13.) What exists around us? The right to choose free spirit
14.) I want to find ya from the pleasures that I get from you
15.) When you peel back my eyes, I see the pain and feel alive
16.) On the growing list of the mindless, by your name a check
17.) Stars with evil eyes stare from the sky
18.) I didn't have much money, so I stole you a rose
19.) A lie from your lips will make me cry out in pain
20.) And the postcards you send would never (never) mend The pain in my heart when we're apart.
21.) My world goes black before I feel an angel steal me from the Greedy jaws of death and chance, and pull me in with steady hands
22.) When I was just a boy The devil took my hand
23.) And I'm almost sure that I've been here before, this is not the first time I've stood in front of this door
24.) I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you
25.) Silk or leather or a feather, respect yourself and all of those around you Prince Charming - Adam and the Ants
26.) Theres four-hundred more of us then them
27.) Spawned wanton like blight on an auspicious night
28.) Lay down with beasts, and welter in my gore
29.) From all your spoken lies Your speech means nothing to me
30.) Someone sold all the truth you yearned

Well... That's your lot!

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